The remarkable power we obtain when we learn to stop buying
Scrolling through social media recently, I came across a vintage blogger talking about the benefits of buying secondhand.
Of course, I thoroughly understood everything she was talking about and agreed. As a vintage seller and wearer myself, loving and living in clothing that gets a second life does wonders for myself and the environment.
But she said something that made me stop scrolling. She said, "The average consumer adds 68 pieces of clothing to their closet every year." When I heard that, I thought impossible.
And yet, was it true?
I quickly searched online to see if it was and found an article written for the Roosevelt Institute that corroborated this point. In the 1960s, only 25 pieces a year were added to the closet Now, it's closer to a whopping 68!
Even at the height of my consumerism - about seven years ago right before I decided to go minimalist - I'm sure I wasn't buying 1.3 items a week.
Or was I?
I thought about my shopping habits. From walking into Target (twice a week or more) to checking my Amazon cart (daily), I made purchases - clothing purchases - all the time. Maybe it was true. Maybe it wasn't quite 68, but I bet it was close to 50. One new item a week? Sure, that sounded right.
I'm so far removed from that way of living and buying now, that it's difficult to understand how I got to that point. Why was I buying so much? Why did I feel the need to have a stuffed closet?
Simple. Because of what I chose to look at. Namely, advertising and social media.
It's easy to buy one new item a week when I'm looking at ads, following fashion influencers, and subscribing to fashion catalogs via snail mail.
When I became a minimalist, I realized how in bondage I was to the world of advertising and fast fashion and I wanted nothing to do with it. And once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. So, I learned how to make window shopping my retail therapy and call it a day.
Here's how I changed my shopping habits.
Stop (most) Social Media - I unfollowed all fast fashion influencers. Being told I needed to buy something (with their "click to buy link") was an enormous detriment to being free from mindless buying. I even got off Instagram for a few months which was a wonderful experience. I still have social media, but I am very selective about whom I follow. I only have a few social media apps these days and ultimately got rid of apps I wasn't on. The less I see the better off I am.
Stop "Adding to the Cart" - Of course, we need some things, but the best strategy to stop buying is to stop adding everything you want to the cart! I know, Caption Obvious. Instead, look at the item, like it if you have to, and move on if you don't need it. Do one better, if you dare, and delete the apps that make it too easy to purchase. Buy in person, shop small and local, and watch your fast fashion world slowly shift to a slow fashion world where you can breathe deep and live unfettered by the cares of our modern world.
Stop the Catalogs - Seriously, this one is the worst. I had a couple of catalogs that I loved to look at. Their photos were so beautiful! But, because of them, I bought more than I needed. So, I stopped their subscriptions and now, if I want to see what they offer, I go directly to their website. However nowadays, even that has shifted to the backburner.
Start Window shopping - Look but don't purchase. I suppose we call it "window shopping" because that's how it was done before the internet. Today, it's scrolling, and adding to cart - it's internet shopping. But this modern-day "window shopping" is where it's at. We get to look, love, admire, imagine ... and walk away. It fulfills that "shopping" action, but doesn't require our checkbook!
And in person? With actual windows shopping? Today, I walk through Target and admire the new fashion. I run my hand along a sweater and check out the denim in that great new color. But, if I'm looking to be content with less, my next step is to walk away, remember how many sweaters and jeans I already have, and not add them to my cart. And if I'm feeling extra strong, I don't walk through the clothing section at all.
Being a minimalist doesn't mean we never buy anything ever again, nor do we not buy occasionally just for fun. Of course, we do. Rather, it means weighing our options and seeing if the purchase is justified. Does my closet need this? Is this an impulse purchase? Will I actually wear it for longer than one season?
Remember, a perennial traditional wardrobe will take your dollar the farthest and your style the highest.
By window shopping, we allow ourselves to look at the item and walk away. And the walking away part is where we gain our power. Being able to say we like an item and not purchase it (because it's not needed) is an incredible feeling. You know what that is? That's delayed gratification; that's discipline. And forgoing buying repeatedly will make you stronger every time you do it.
These are the simple things I did to shift from an unhappy consumer to a contented minimalist. And to keep that power of satisfaction at the forefront of my heart and soul, I will never return to my old ways of shopping.
For me now, less buying - and more window shopping - is my superpower.